Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Four Common Bugs That Infest Your Home and How to Get Rid of Them

Every geographical region has a list of common pesky pets. However, some home invaders are quite common. If you have pests in your home, you know how uncomfortable it is listening to the rustling and shuffling noises when you are trying to fall asleep or watching bugs scatter whenever you pick up something in the kitchen. The following are some simple ways to get rid of common household pests.

Ants and mites

Ants are easy to identify by their segmented bodies that can be either black or brown. Ants hang out pretty much everywhere in your house, from the kitchen, living room, bedroom or even the bathroom. Ants and mites like nesting soil next to or under buildings where they can get a supply of food and water. They love warm and damp locations under your floors, near the heating systems of even between walls. Most ants and mites like sweet stuff so keep these securely locked away if you want to get rid of them. Seal the ants’ entry point with caulk of petroleum jelly. You can use natural ant repellents such as cream of tartar, coffee grinds, garlic, chili pepper, pure cinnamon or dried peppermint.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs can literally snatch away the joy of sleeping at the end of a long day. They are called bed bugs because they often hide in bedding and attack your skin once you are dead asleep to suck blood. Bedbugs have flat oval bodies; they are about the size of an apple seed and come in a brown or reddish brown color. Bed bugs are hard to get rid of since they can live up to a year in between meals, they hide pretty well while they wait.

To get rid of bedbugs, you need to wash any kind of upholstery where the bed bugs may be dwelling in including all bedding, couch covers and curtains in hot water and dry them in a hot drier for at least 30 minutes. You will need to scrub your mattress using a stiff brush and vacuum it along with the surrounding room. In case the mattress is heavily infested, you will need to toss it. If you have a serious bed bug infestation, call in the experts since there is little chance of success trying to eliminate them on your own.


Lice look like gray or white bugs and they are about the size of a sesame seed. The yellow, tan or brown dots that are commonly seen are the lice eggs. Lice like to infest mostly the scalp of a human being but some types can infest your entire body. Getting rid of lice simply involves thoroughly washing the head and body of the infested person. Using hot water and soap usually works. Tea tree oil shampoo followed with a vinegar rinse can get rid of the adults and eggs. You can buy a special nit comb to go through the hair removing the eggs.

Cockroaches are considered to be the most indestructible and annoying type of bug to infest the home. You can get rid of cockroaches but it does take quite a bit of effort too. Roaches are quite common in densely populated areas, they vary in size and flight capability. To keep the roach population under control, you need to keep your house clean and free of any food spills or crumbs since they will eat just about anything. You can use borax powder to line the corners and edges of the rooms in your house. If the population becomes unmanageable, call a fumigator.

Posted by: Pest Loco   http://pestloco.com

Friday, March 18, 2016

Preventing Roaches from Infesting Your Home

Roaches are often on a never-ending quest for food, warmth and water. If you spot a roach in your house, there is a chance there many more hiding in the dark corners of your house. Your home is the ideal habitat for roaches and if you allow them to get it, they will in large numbers. A good roach prevention plan goes something like:

Roach prevention outside the home
Since roaches come from the outside into your home looking for food, you need to reduce their outside hiding places as much as possible:
·         Fill empty tree holes with cement to prevent them from nesting inside
·         Clear out all the thick and dead vegetation outside your home where roaches like to live outdoors
·         Do not allow shrubs and trees to be in direct contact with the outside walls of your home. There should be at least a one-foot distance between vegetation and firewood and the walls.
·         Seal all the cracks in your doors and windows
·         Seal or use screens in the areas where utility lines, drainage pipes and sewer vents enter your home as this are some of the roaches’ entry routes
·         Seal any other gaps around your windows or doors that could be easy entry points for the roaches

Roach prevention in the kitchen
This is where most of the food is stored and often where most of the roaches like to stay. If you starve them out, they will have no reason to keep on. So:
·         Repair damaged drawers and cabinets immediately to prevent roaches from hiding there
·         Avoid leaving any food uncovered or unattended in the kitchen for more than a couple of minutes. All food should be kept in well-sealed containers.
·         Clean the base boards under your stove regularly, as this is a warm and safe hiding place for the roaches. Swipe these areas regularly to get rid of any food crumbs or liquids.
·         Since roaches are also looking for water, avoid standing water from leaking sinks.
·         Roaches are also attracted to the warm areas on top and under your fridge so clean these regularly
·         Use a trashcan with a closeable lid and do not let trash remain around the house overnight.

Roach prevention in the bathroom
Roaches can sometimes get in your bathroom as well.
·         Air-dry your wet towels by hanging them on a rack instead of leaving them inside the drawers and cabinets as this attracts roaches.
·         Inspect the areas under your sink and behind the toilet for any leaks or standing water that could attract the roaches as well. Seal any cracks in the tiles immediately.

Roach prevention in the living room

If you use a fireplace, avoid keeping the firewood in the house when not in use. Inspect any firewood for insects before you take it into the house. Make sure to sweep up any food crumbs around the sofas and chairs. Regular vacuuming also helps pick up the fine food particles. Check your electronics regularly as these are also warm places where roaches like to hide.

Posted By: PestLoco  http://pestloco.com

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Preventing and Controlling Bed Bugs in Your Home

Ultimately one of the most annoying types of pests to infest your home, bedbugs are always out for blood and can make it extremely difficult to enjoy a good night’s worth of sleep. Although bed bugs were almost completely eliminated from North America a couple of years back, they have found ample opportunity to multiply in number. Today, bedbugs are found in schools, hospitals, homes and even hotels.

Why should you be concerned?
Bedbugs use human blood to feed, grow and reproduce. They are not attracted to dirt, just a hospitable environment; therefore everyone is at risk of a home infestation. They can also leech on your dogs, cats and other household pests. The prefer living close to areas where people rest for long periods of time and they will come out of hiding to attack any exposed skin they will find. Bed bugs feed for about 2-5 minutes before they are full and then go back into hiding.

People react to bed bug bites in different ways. Some bites may go unnoticed while other people develop rash breakouts. They can make sleeping quite uncomfortable, as these bites are very painful if they catch you still awake or half-asleep.

Life cycle
Bed bugs are often active at night when it’s dark and they can move around unnoticed. They reproduce quite fast since one bug can lay up to 250 eggs! Adult bed bugs can go up to an entire years without feed making them extremely difficult to eliminate since they go through long periods of inactivity.

Controlling an infestation
Bed bugs are such tricky pests to deal with. You should always contact a professional pest control company if you notice any bed bugs in your home. This is because bedbug control involved detailed work of disassembling furniture and special equipment to smoke them out of their hiding places.

  • You can kill bed bugs in your clothes by laundering them in hot water and drying them in very hot temperatures of up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes using your drier. This temporary is known to kill bed bugs in all stages of life.
  • You can also kill bedbugs using cold temperatures. Placing infested objects into the freezer for seven to ten days can kill all the stages of the bed bug. Placing furniture outdoor during winter is a good idea but there is no guarantee that you will have eliminated all the bed bugs.
  • You can also protect your new mattresses from infestation using encasements. This fabric covering creates a barrier to prevent the bed bugs from infesting your mattresses and box springs. Ensure that the encasement is specifically design for bed bug protection.
  • Bed bug interceptors are small plastic trays that should be placed under the bed legs. Any bed bugs that attempt to climb up from the floor get trapped in the inner and outer wells of the tray. This device not only prevents bed bugs from climbing up your bed but is also a monitoring tool to see if there are any bugs present in your home. 

Posted By: PestLoco   http://pestloco.com

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How To Prevent Roaches From Invading Your Home

Cockroaches are one of the most annoying creatures to have in your home. They invade your kitchen appliances, utensils, clothes and every other item they can find. They prefer areas with warm climate and surfaces with traces of food. They mostly come out during the night from their dark hiding spots.

 You’ll see them run around in the kitchen when you turn on the lights at night. Getting rid of cockroaches is far more difficult so why not take measures to prevent them? We’ll also show you how to get rid of roaches in case they have already invaded your home.

Tips to prevent cockroaches
·         Always keep your kitchen surfaces clean. Roaches are common in areas where food is prepared such as the countertops. You need to wipe down these surfaces after preparing meals.
·         Don’t leave dirty dishes on the sink overnight. They attract roaches fast. If you are unable to clean the dishes, remove the particles of food by rinsing them off in soapy water.
·         Make sure your kitchen appliances are clean. Wipe your microwave to ensure no food remains and clean out your dishwasher filter regularly. You can use vinegar to clean your kitchen appliances such as microwave and dishwasher to keep roaches away.
·         If you have pets in your home, always ensure their bowls and dishes are washed thoroughly and stored when clean. Water bowls need to be emptied and dried because they act as a source of water for roaches if left lying around.
·         Clean the inside of your oven regularly. Those hard to reach spots on your kitchen appliances are likely to harbor roaches. Common culprits are the areas behind the fridge and stove.
·         All non-refrigerated foods should be stored in containers. Opt for glass containers with tight lids as opposed to plastic. Get rid of food items that have been in the cupboard for too long and any other unnecessary clutter.
·         Sweep your floors regularly to remove debris. Clean carpets and rugs on a regular basis too. Cracks and gaps on the walls or floors should be sealed because they also harbor roaches.

How to get rid of roaches
You can use natural remedies instead of pesticides to get rid of cockroaches in your home. For instance, spraying the roaches with a solution of soap and water can kill them. You can also add beer to pieces of bread and put the mixture in a can to repel cockroaches. Boric acid is also known to kill cockroaches. You can get it from the local stores and pour it on your kitchen cupboards.

You may also opt to buy pesticides from your local stores. When buying pesticides, you need to ensure you follow the instructions on how to use them. Roach extermination can also be done by experts. You can opt for a professional exterminator if you have different pests in your home that you want to get rid of and the pesticides in local markets have failed to work for your home.  

Posted By: PestLoco   http://pestloco.com

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

5 Common Pests that Invade the Home and How to Avoid Them

Getting rid of household pests can be a nightmare especially if you approach the termination process with little or no information. The good news is that there are simple ways to get rid of those creepy creatures that crawl around your home. First, understand what kind of pest you are dealing with, how you can prevent them and then work towards creating a clean and healthy environment for your family.

Ants like to hide on the side walls; sometimes between cracks on the walls and even near your heating systems. They look for foods such as sweets, fruits and snacks that are left lying around especially in the kitchen. To get rid of ants, you’ll first have to identify their entry points. Seal any open holes and cracks with caulk and sprinkle garlic, paprika, cloves or cinnamon to repel ants in those areas. You can also get a commercial ant repellant that is safe for humans.

Cockroaches thrive in warm and humid areas in the house such as the kitchen, bathroom and basement. They are among the most stubborn household pests to deal with. You can use boric acid to get rid of cockroaches and also keep your kitchen and bathroom clean. Do not leave food lying around; ensure you put it in the refrigerator.

Rats and mice
These are probably the most annoying household pests any homeowner has to deal with. They can feed on pretty much anything they come across. The rodents will eat your cereals, live inside your trash bin and feast on dirt around your home. The major difference between mice and rats lies in their size. Mice are much smaller compared to rats which can be up to a foot long. To prevent mice and rats, you need to identify their entry points first. Seal holes indoors and outdoors, clean up the area and get rid of any piles of dirt that can attract rodents. You may also consider getting a mice trap that doesn’t harm animals.

Mosquitoes are common in households that are close to lakes, swamps or other water bodies. They breed in stagnant water which is why you are advised to drain any still water in your compound as a preventative measure. Get rid of any rain water that has accumulated in your flower pots or anywhere else around your garden because they will encourage breeding of mosquitoes. Close your windows and doors early in the evening to prevent mosquito invasion. Natural repellants for mosquitoes include lavender and peppermint. Install a fan especially in an outdoor space to prevent mosquitoes.  
Spiders will feed on other insects around the house but getting rid of them may be a lifesaver. There are some species of spiders that must be terminated by professionals because they are super dangerous when disturbed. But to get rid of the normal spiders you may want to declutter the house and get rid of the vegetation outside. Keep all your storage areas clean and use a natural spray made from essential oils to get rid of spiders naturally.

Posted By: PestLoco  http://pestloco.com

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tips To Help You Keep Pests Off Your Property

Pests can be very annoying on the not so serious side, but on a more serious side, the pests can be damaging to your property and valuables and they can also lead to infections and diseases when they contaminate your environment and possibly the food that they eat. There are so many small animals and insects that fall into the pest category with the most common ones being roaches, rats, mice, flies, bees, ants and termites among others. Birds can also be treated as pests when they become a nuisance on your property.
If you are facing a pest problem, the pest control measures need to be taken to give you peace of mind and to keep your property and valuables well protected. Remember that some pests can cause structural damages to your property and they can invade your home or even business premises. When they invade your business premises, your image and reputation remains at risk. There are however very good pest control services that you can use for your commercial or residential property to get rid of the infestations.
Pest Prevention Tips
· Get rid of all food, shelter and water sources on your property. Remember that pests thrive and breed in areas that are conducive enough for them. By eliminating these sources, you not only might manage to get rid of the pests, but you also greatly help in preventing their infestation on your property.
· Cover your trash cans and have the garbage collected on a regular basis.
· Do away with all clutter within your property to leave no hiding and breeding grounds for the pests. Clutter can actually make pest control difficult.
· Seal off all possible pest entry points on your property. They include crevices and cracks in your home, perimeter wall and other areas such as baseboards and cabinets. Holes should also be identified and probably even covered using wire mesh to keep the pests at bay.
Pest Control Tips
· If it is too late to prevent infestations and you already have pests on your property, start by finding out as much as possible about the pests that you have and how to exterminate them. Pest behavior is very important and you also want to know how to handle them if you choose to control them on your own.
· Choose safe and ecofriendly products and methods of exterminating the pests. Pesticides are commonly used, but they can be very dangerous if not used responsibly. There are green organic pest products that you can choose to effectively but safely get rid of the pests.
· Let a professional pest management company handle your pest problems. Letting pest experts handle your issues for you comes with lots of benefits. The experts know what products are best and the techniques that are best for the types of pest you have on your property.
· When choosing a pest control company, choose one with experience and a company that is certified and has trained technicians. You can only expect the best results from such a company.

Posted By: Pest Loco  http://pestloco.com

Sunday, September 20, 2015

5 Easy Ways to Prevent Rodents from Invading your Home

There is no worse feeling than having a bunch of rodents running amuck in your home. Rats and mice in your house will make you uneasy and literally jump off your seat at the slightest movement. Rats and mice can enter your home through small cracks and spaces, eat your food, gnaw at your wires, your clothes and your books and even spread disease. The worst part about it is how fast they reproduce; two little mice can turn into ten or twenty in a very short time. If you want to keep rodents from invading your home, you should try the following.

Mind the weather
Most rodent infestations will occur during fall and winter when it is too cold outside and they are looking for shelter indoors. At the end of summer, you need to start making repairs in your home. Fix any cracks, damaged screens, vents and crawl spaces where the rats can gain entry to your home. You should also target areas where utility pipes enter the wall and seal them with caulking material.

Install door sweeps
Small rodents such as mice can squeeze themselves into tight spaces to enter your home. The space between the door and the floor is one such space that they can get through. You should install a door sweep, which is a rubbery attachment to the bottom of the door that makes sure this space is tightly sealed and nothing can get through.

Screen your vents and chimney openings
You can buy screens for the vents and chimney openings. The screens are made up of a mesh, which allows air to pass through but traps all solids from getting through. The chimney is one of the most easily forgotten places when it comes to rodent infestation. Install screens in the vents as well to prevent them from crawling through.

Garbage and food
Another reasons why rodents will come to your home is when they are in search of food. They like nibbling on every morsel of food they can come across and this is why you need to keep your home very clean. Avoid eating anywhere outside the dining area because pieces of food can easily land under your dresser or bed and no one will clean it up. Keep all food in sealed containers and store it away in the kitchen cabinets or fridge. Leaving food out in the open is like bait to rodents. You should not leave the garbage in the house overnight. You should take the garbage out once the garbage bin is full.

Inspect any packages brought to your home

Not all the rodents that end up on your home come in under your door or through your chimney; some are delivered right to your doorstep by the mailman! Small rodents can easily end up trapped in boxes, parcels and suitcases only to be unleashed into your home. You should inspect boxes, grocery bags and any other package brought to your home that could be ferrying the furry little creatures.

Posted By: PestLoco http://pestloco.com